Category: The Vault

July 12th, 2016 by Ubikkidus

This song runs for 122 seconds, a pretty good investment to hear this party song.  I swore when I heard this the first time, I thought it was Go-Go’s 2.0, and I say that as a very high form of flattery.   But this is not that.   You listen to the rest of “Lost Time”, their release from April of three months ago and you get a good old fashioned rock band, period.

And besides, I don’t think the Go-Go’s used the lyric “f**k*n slob” in one of their songs.   Tacocat, we want more!




Posted in The Vault

July 9th, 2016 by Ubikkidus

Not a lot to say here, I’m just going to leave you with this lovely playlist.   There is at least 1 to 3.5 songs here you will like and pillage for your own advancement. It also kind of recaps some of the music we covered this week including Swim Mountain’s guitar filled groove, MF Doom’s loop and Radiohead’s underrated video making capability.(you can find all this on the homepage (

Have at it!!!!!

Posted in The Vault

July 8th, 2016 by Ubikkidus


Yesterday, I was reading an article from Spin drawing a parallel between TV on the Radio’s “Return to Cookie Mountain”, and Radiohead’s “OK Computer”.   It’s a pretty interesting and deep read.  Below is the link to the article if you haven’t seen it.

Admittedly, I get distracted by anything so midway through I started to fade, when my dog ears went up.   Spin provided a link to Radiohead’s music video “Paranoid Android”.   I’ve played this song hundreds of times and didn’t know there was a video.  It’s not too surprising for me since I haven’t done dedicated music video watching in a long, loooooong, time.   But it was odd, given that Radiohead released their epic “Burn the Witch” video in the last couple of months and this pops up on the redar.

Before clicking on it, I had apprehension. I love this song so much. This song could’ve been a movie.   But to see the video now  was almost like seeing the movie after reading the book.   I was worried the video wouldn’t live up to the song and I’d be forever tainted with the images.

Well, no worries here!   This is colossal–I need to watch it like 10 more times to get everything, but it is well worth it.

If you haven’t checked it out yet, the link is on top of this page, enjoy!





Posted in The Vault

July 7th, 2016 by Ubikkidus

Coffin Nails is a short track made in the early 2000’s by MF Doom, a British hip hop artist, it clocks in between 2:50 and 3 minutes depending on your source, and it’s an instrumental.

I’ll get right to the punchline of why I’m doing this,………..SPOILER ALERT……  The actual song is ten seconds long played seventeen times.  The seventeen times are very consistent, with a random one second beat or pluck of the bass thrown in.

When I first heard this song, it was maddening.  I was waiting for a verse or something to  change.

But I did like the ten seconds——a lot.

So basically, I’m hearing a song that I like—17 times in a row.

That is soothing to know and it’s maybe why I find it refreshing .I know exactly what I’m gonna get for that 3 minutes divided by 10 point something seconds.    Sometimes it doesn’t have to be unpredictable.

Don’t be afraid…..go do it.

Posted in The Vault

July 6th, 2016 by Ubikkidus

The Spotify algorithm introduced me to this song back around Memorial Day Weekend.  Admittedly, I probably have only heard “Yesterday” by Swim Mountain three or four times since the first listen. And then it happened.

This morning, before I woke up, I heard the song note for note in my head, in my friggin dreams I don’t know why, as mentioned, it wasn’t on repeat on the playllst.

I have a theory.   It’s the guitar work.  The guitar is driving the whole song, whether it’s the rhythm guitar throughout, or the lead guitar providing the notes through where a chorus would exist.

On days when I think the synthesizer has knocked out the guitar, it’s songs like these that make me realize—when used properly, the guitar can still be the driver of great rock music, any day, 7 days a week.

Great guitar-driven rock music is still out there, just gotta look for it.   Thank you Swim Mountain for pointing that out to me.


Posted in The Vault

June 24th, 2016 by Ubikkidus

Another weekend coming, and we’ve added some British acts here in the spirit of the chaos and bureaucracy of the Brexit.  Warm and dry in Boston this weekend.   Enjoy!



Posted in The Vault

June 22nd, 2016 by Ubikkidus


“Small Talk” is a 2010 song by the band Faded Paper Figures.   They have a bunch of much newer material you should definitely check out, including their 2015 EP “Remnants” which you can find here:

I zeroed in on this song since it is one of the few songs out there that seem to hit all the receptors in my brain in a good way.

It starts off at the very beginning with a synthesizer that almost sounds like a signal for something (Hey FPF, can I get that as a ring tone?).  This signal courses through the background of much of the song. You know its there but it doesn’t disrupt in any way.

There are two contrasts here also which also feed the brain. The first is the vocals which alternate between R. John Williams and Heather Alden–this has a nice back and forth to it before they merge toward the end.

The second contrast is between instruments. FPF’s bass line and drums runs throughout providing a steady groove, but there is alteration between the use of synth and guitar, which also combine at the end.

Why write about it? Everything above and a head bopping groove is friggin ear candy for my soul.   This all synthesizes into an end-to-end complete song, which is why we’re here. The song goes a little short of 4 minutes, which is all you need unless you’re trying to produce something epic (which 9 times out of 10 isn’t epic).

I’m admittedly 5 years late to the game with Faded Paper Figures, but I’m in now.




Posted in The Vault

June 21st, 2016 by Ubikkidus

Assuming you’re reading this, please follow this experiment with me:

  1. Find a street to walk down, preferably one with a sidewalk.
  2. Walk at your normal pace, maybe a little faster.
  3. Put on “Born to Shine” by Big Grams (Collaboration of Phantogram and Outkast’s Big Boi)–this track also has El-P and Killer Mike aka Run the Jewels.
  4. At about the twentieth second, slow down your pace.  To be specific make sure you’re doing this by the time Killer Mike raps “I walk in Ric Flairin.  long fur coat wearing”.
  5. Soak it all in.

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June 18th, 2016 by Ubikkidus

Weekend is here and the weather is good in the US!  We’ve got music here for wherever you are or wherever your going. Enjoy the weekend…….

Posted in The Vault

June 17th, 2016 by Ubikkidus

“Hymn” recently came through our dashboard from the Spotify algorithm that to date has probably a 30% hit rate with us.

If you haven’t heard of them, Diane Coffee is a project from Shaun Fleming, who also plays drums for the band Foxygen. Project may not be the right term here, Diane Coffee now has two albums (this is the first song from the first album).   If you like music with a retro feel to it, you should definitely checkout both Diane Coffee and Foxygen.  Diane Coffee has 2 dates in Boston later this year, and we will be looking to check that out.

What hooked me to this song was the retro sound but also the variation in the song.  The song clocks in a little over three minutes but feels much longer given the swings.   For the first two minutes the song is slow tempo, which might have been played at a high school dance in the 60’s (I say might—I wasn’t there.

At about the 2:03 mark, we go through a psychedelic transition for about ten seconds before the song rocks out  for about 30 seconds before going back to slow tempo to end the song (with more psychedelia).

That is a lot to accomplish over three minutes and eighteen seconds, but it works, and hits the sweet spot here at CR.

Posted in The Vault